Overview of the results
Wine Trophy (contest)
Wine Trophy (year)
Award (Medal)
Wine type
Country of cultivation
43 wines match your search criteria
Wine Trophy (year): 2009
Grape variety: Barbera
Grape variety: Muskat-Trollinger
Grape variety: Sauvignon Blanc
Grape variety: Spätburgunder
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Ellerstadter Bubeneck Spätburgunder Spätlese trocken
Producer: Weingut Braun GbR
Origin: Pfalz, Germany
Grape varieties: Spätburgunder
Award: Gold - Berliner Wein Trophy 2009
Ovilos, weiss
Producer: Biblia Chora S.A.
Origin: Makedonien, Greece
Grape varieties: Sauvignon Blanc
Award: Gold - Berliner Wein Trophy 2009
Sommeracher Katzenkopf Spätburgunder trocken -Supremus-
Producer: Winzer Sommerach - Der Winzerkeller
Origin: Franken, Germany
Grape varieties: Spätburgunder
Award: Gold - Berliner Wein Trophy 2009
Barbera d'Alba DOC Superiore Vecchio Piemonte
Producer: CN/5801-I
Origin: Piemont, Italy
Grape varieties: Barbera
Award: Gold - Berliner Wein Trophy 2009
Spätburgunder Rotwein trocken
Producer: Weingut Stark
Origin: Rheinhessen, Germany
Grape varieties: Spätburgunder
Award: Gold - Berliner Wein Trophy 2009
Alpha Estate, Weiss
Producer: ALPHA Estate
Origin: Makedonien, Greece
Grape varieties: Sauvignon Blanc
Award: Gold - Berliner Wein Trophy 2009
Spätburgunder trocken
Producer: Weingut Baldauf
Origin: Franken, Germany
Grape varieties: Spätburgunder
Award: Gold - Berliner Wein Trophy 2009
Heilbronner Stiftsberg Muskat-Trollinger Weissherbst
Producer: Weingut Lampe
Origin: Württemberg, Germany
Grape varieties: Muskat-Trollinger
Award: Gold - Berliner Wein Trophy 2009
Munzinger Kapellenberg Spätburgunder Rotwein QbA trocken
Producer: Weingut Luhr
Origin: Baden, Germany
Grape varieties: Spätburgunder
Award: Gold - Berliner Wein Trophy 2009
No Limit Rotwein trocken im Barrique gereift
Producer: Weingut Hollerith
Origin: Pfalz, Germany
Grape varieties: Spätburgunder, not specified, Cabernet Sauvignon
Award: Gold - Berliner Wein Trophy 2009